Thursday, June 10, 2010

An appropriate introduction

hello world!
my names Emily I'm Eighteen I live in Massachusetts and I love it here
I craft here,I love here, have fun here,go thrift store shopping here,be ridiculous here,network here the whole shebang!
Today I made the probably very misguided decision to create this blog, as if my life needed one more project,I tend to be very hyperactive and ADD about my projects I cant finish one thing with out starting another I don't necessarily think this is a bad quality as long as these tasks get done.
Like right now I'm trying to progress in starting a business while still mastering my craft I know its probably not the best order to go about business, but they say science thrives during warfare and like that My craft will blossom under demand.
I'm not so sure that was the best analogy...but you know what I'm saying.
Anyways I started this blog to act as a creative outlet ,to clear my head of these thoughts my friends are getting sick of hearing about ,crafts,ideas,products,inspiration,aspiration,recycling upcycling,down cycling ,and basically anything thats provoking my interest at the time I'll also feature my work and advice when I have it :)

I sold my first bag last night for ten dollars and it felt amazing that someone actually wanted to spend there money ,that they worked for on something I created.
I know ten dollars isn't a lot I cant buy a house or save the world with ten dollars but its given me incentive to keep going with what I love to do.

I have a small obsession with cowboys and midwestern themed things I have subtly incorporated that into a lot of my designs,mostly by screen printing cow boy guns on pretty feminine gun pouches
I love that when I go out and look at my accessories everything I use I Made,I refuse to sell something if I wouldn't buy it myself.
a friend of mine is opening a gift shop on cape for the summer where me and friend have been enlisted to help fill the store with beautiful creations I'm lucky to have made talented friends who can all feed and draw inspiration from each other even if our styles aren't quite cohesive .
I'm in the process of becoming good everything lol,maybe you'll hear about that more later for now the quote of the day is

"brittany: Im gonna eat your babies Me: is that like free abortion or something" hahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahah :)

maybe you had to be there right ?

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